Modern Masters Decorative Painter's Furniture & Cabinetry Glazing Cream Quart PSFGC

Modern Masters Decorative Painter's Furniture & Cabinetry Glazing Cream Quart PSFGC

Modern Masters Decorative Painter's Furniture & Cabinetry Glazing Cream Quart PSFGC


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Furniture & Cabinetry Glazing Cream is a water base, slow-drying, translucent glaze, formulated for maximum “working time” with excellent durability.

It's lower viscosity allows for a sheerer application, designed to reduce the amount of glaze required while providing more fluid patterns and advanced effects.

For best results tint with Platinum Series Colorants.

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Modern Masters Decorative Painter's Furniture & Cabinetry Glazing Cream Quart PSFGC

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